Thursday, November 30, 2006

I asked him

whether he thought, given the fact that we were
both trying to be Christian people, you could ever justify the
use of violence. He told me that he believed violence was
wrong, but If someone left you no other option other than to
hit him, then it was their karma, it was meant to be. He said
that he felt they were sent by God to be taught a lesson and
he would give that lesson as gently as possible.
Some people need a poke in the eye to show them the right
direction, others simply need pointing in the right direction.
It is a question of having the wisdom to know when to point
and when to poke.
I, like most, have a family to protect and I will protect by
whatever means fair or foul. Because I am trying to become
a better person, and because I am desperately trying to lose
violence from my life, I have been struggling with the fact
that, occasionally when it is unavoidable, I may still have to
employ violence, if only to keep the peace. I am constantly
struggling with the fact that this still feels wrong to me, but
my, our, survival is at stake. When I was in America last
year (1997) I was teaching with Benny 'the jet' Urquidiz and

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

But, I hear you cry, what about those who won't let you
avoid, escape, dissuade, loophole, posture, the ones that not
only take you to the doorway of violence but want to kick it
open and enter the arena and no amount of talk or
negotiation is going to stop them. What are we to do with or
to them? Well, this is where my 'non-violence' theorem
becomes a little contradictory, because if we are forced into a
physical response and if we do not fight back, our species is
as good as dead.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

There has to be another solution. At this moment in
time I cannot tell you what that solution is, only that
knocking a guy unconscious and doing a 56 move kata on
his head is not it. Not if we are ever going to survive as a
species and learn to live in peace with one another. I spend
my time now trying to avoid violence and trying to develop
alternatives to taking an opponent off the planet with a
practiced right cross. Some of the stuff is good too, it works,
it will at least help keep some of the antagonists at bay until
we can find a better alternative.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

But I' m not at all ashamed of that, my views
may have been distorted then but I did genuinely believe them. I
was never a bad person, it's just that my beliefs were governed by
my limited knowledge, which left me somewhat Neanderthal.
As my knowledge has grown so has my intellect and confidence,
this has allowed me a new belief -a belief that will keep changing
as long I grow. I can see it all now. I can see where I fit into the
scheme of things. I can see the futility of violence and the pain of
violent people. I can see that fighting on the pavement arena is
war in microcosm and that wars destroy worlds. I know now that
violence is not the answer, in the short term or the long

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It took me nine years of constant violence and many more of
soul-searching to realise this truth and because so much has
happened to me in my post-'door' years, my attitude and
opinion has changed. At my most brutal I justified violence, to
myself, to those I taught and to those I spoke to. I was even
prepared to use verbal violence to substantiate my views. That
was how lost I was.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

write a book about avoidance when it is obviously so simple to
finish a fight with the use of a physical attack? Indeed why
write it when my whole reputation as a realist, as a martial arts
cross trainer, as a blood and snot mat man may be risked by the
endeavor? The reason is simple: violence is not the answer! It
may solve some of the problems in the short term but it will
create a lot more in the long term. I know -I've been there. I
was, as they say, 'that soldier'.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Aikido

man watched in awe as the passenger skillfully
talked the drunken man down from his rage. Within minutes
the drunk was pouring his heart out to the passenger about how
his life had taken a downward turn and how he had fallen on
hard times. It wasn't long before the drunk had tears streaming
down his face. The Aikido man, somewhat ashamed thought to
himself 'That's Aikido!'. He realised in that instant that the
passenger with a comforting arm around the sobbing drunk was
demonstrating Aikido, and all martial art, in it highest form.
Why have I written this book? Why have I written a book about
the art of fighting without fighting when my claim to fame is
probably the fact that I have been in over 300 street fights,
where I used a physical response to neutralise my enemy.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

As the drunk was almost upon him he prepared to demonstrate
his art in the ultimate arena, but before he could rise from his
seat the passenger in front of him stood up and engaged the
drunk jovially. 'Hey man, what's up with you? I bet you've
been drinking in the bar all day, haven't you? You look like a
man with problems. Here, come and sit down with me, there's
no need to be abusive. No one on this train wants to fight with

Friday, November 17, 2006

He sat waiting for the abusive passenger to reach him. It was
inevitable that he would: he was making his way down the
carriage abusing everyone in his path. The drunk got closer and
closer to the Aikido man, and the closer he got the louder and
more aggressive he became. Most of the other passengers
recoiled in fear of being attacked by the drunk. However, the
Aikido man couldn't wait for his turn, so that he could prove to
himself and everyone else, the effectiveness of his art. The drunk
got closer and louder. The Aikido man made ready for the
seemingly inevitable assault -he readied himself for a bloody

Thursday, November 16, 2006


The more he trained, the more his obsession for validation grew
until one day, travelling home from work on a local commuter
train, a potential situation did present itself -an overtly drunk and
aggressive man boarded his train and almost immediately started
verbally abusing the other passengers.
'This is it,' the Aikido man thought to himself, 'this is my chance
to test my art.'

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


There was once a very famous Aikido player in Japan who spent
his whole life studying Usheba's legendary art. Although he had
dedicated his whole existence to this beautiful art he had never
actually had occasion to test it in a real life situation against a
determined attacker, someone intent on hurting him. Being a
moralistic kind of person he realised that it would be very bad
karma to actually go out and pick a fight just to test his art so he
was forced to wait until a suitable occasion presented itself.
Naively, he longed for the day when he was attacked so that he
could prove to himself that Aikido was powerful outside of the
controlled walls of the dojo.

Monday, November 13, 2006

dneska mala pauza

Zalomení textu u tlačítek na více řádků

Pokud potřebujete u komponent třídy TButton, jako je samotné tlačítko, ale také CheckBox a RadioButton, zalomit delší text popisku na více řádek, pomůže vám v tom následující užitečná funkce:
function Zalomit(CTRL: TButtonControl): boolean;
var style : dword;
style := GetWindowLong(CTRL.Handle, GWL_STYLE);
SetWindowLong(CTRL.Handle, GWL_STYLE, Style or BS_MULTILINE);
Result := (GetLastError = 0);
if result then CTRL.Repaint;

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Li la li...

Asking only workmans wages, I come lookin for a job, but I get no offers
Just a comeon from the whores on 7th avenue
I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome
I took some comfort there

Now the years are rolling by me, they are rockin even me
I am older than I once was, and younger than Ill be, thats not unusual
No it isnt strange, after changes upon changes, we are more or less the same
After changes we are more or less the same

Li la li...

And Im laying out my winter clothes, wishing I was gone, goin home
Where the new york city winters arent bleedin me, leadin me to go home

In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him
til he cried out in his anger and his shame
I am leaving, I am leaving, but the fighter still remains
Yes he still remains

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The boxer

I am just a poor boy and my storys seldom told
Ive squandered my resistance for a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises
All lies and jest, still the man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest, hmmmm

When I left my home and my family, I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers
In the quiet of the railway station, runnin scared
Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters, where the ragged people go
Looking for the places only they would know

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing cheats,

Master code:
Press Square, Circle, L2, R2 when "Press Start" appears at the title

All created boxer items:
Press L1, R1, X(2), Triangle, X when "Press Start" appears at the
title screen.

Big heads:
Press Square, Circle, Up, Down when "Press Start" appears at the
title screen.

Small heads:
Press Square, Circle, Down, Up when "Press Start" appears at the
title screen.

Random sized boxers:
Press Square, Left, Up, Triangle when "Press Start" appears at the
title screen.

Flat mode:
Press Down, Up, Circle, Square when "Press Start" appears at the
title screen.

View full credits:
Press X, Triangle, Square, Circle when "Press Start" appears at the
title screen.

All boxers:
Win the Bronze, Silver, and Gold belts.

Mike Tyson Challenge:
Defeat Mike Tyson and win the Gold belt to unlock the undisputed
champ mode..

Fight as Mike Tyson:
Win the Gold Belt to unlock Mike Tyson in single player mode.

Fight as Iron Mike:
Win the Mike Tyson Challenge to unlock Iron Mike, the early version
of Mike Tyson.

Monday, November 06, 2006

BB King Box Set - History of the Blues 1966-1969

01 Goin Down Slow 06'31
02 Tired Of Your Jive 03'32
03 Sweet Sixteen 06'11
04 Paying The Cost To Be The 02'33
05 I'm Gonna Do What They Do 02'44
06 Lucille 10'15
07 Watch Yourself 05'49
08 You Put It On Me 02'46
09 Get Myself Somebody 02'35
10 I want You So Bad 04'13
11 Why I Sing The Blues 08'35
12 Get Off My Back Woman 03'15
13 Please Accept My Love 02'47
14 Fools Get Wise 02'39
15 No Good 04'36
16 So Excited 05'36

Friday, November 03, 2006

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.5.3
Created-By: 1.4.2_02-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-1.0
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0
MIDlet-Name: 3D Boxing
MIDlet-Version: 1.0.1
MIDlet-Vendor: Bandai Networks
MIDlet-Icon: /icon.png
MIDlet-1: 3D Boxing, /icon.png ,BoxingApp
MIDxlet-Network: N
MIDxlet-API: VSCL-1.0.1
MIDlet-Data-Size: 8192
MIDxlet-Application-Resolution: 176,183
MIDlet-Jar-Size: 82815
MIDlet-Jar-URL: 3DBoxing.jar
Nokia-MIDlet-Category: Game

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Totaly Live Boxing

Pěst na pěst padá v napínavých boxerských souboujích ve hře Totaly live Boxing. Grafika je velmi vydařená - vše ve 3D. Animace (zejména gesta) rváčů vypadají věrohodně a je pravděpodobné, že Vás hra pohltí. Ve hře nestačí pouze jen divoce bušit do klávesnice a zasadit soupeři nespočet ran a čekat než se poté jen bezmocně svalí na zem. Hráč musí postupovat rozvážně a obezřetně a volit vhodné kombinace úderů, vykrývat výpady protivníka, aby neinkasoval tvrdý knock-out. Bohužel jsou k dispozici pouze dvě postavy boxerů. Obsažena je i kvalitní zvuková kulisa.

Hra je vyvinuta na stejné bázi jako standardní flash animace.