Thursday, August 31, 2006

The emotions

it elicited were heart warming to say the least, and
fortified my resolve and commitment to the martial arts even
further. It was comforting to know that I was not alone in pursuing
an endeavor that many would consider a long and difficult
road. Taekwondo, my discipline of choice, is built on a foundation
of foot and hand techniques that requires the practitioner to
develop, among other attributes, strong leg muscles and quick
reflexes. Demands placed on the individual by the vigorous
training methods can sometimes seem overwhelming, and any
sympathy with this frustration is indeed welcome. It is my
intention, then, to demonstrate my devotion to the martial arts
by attempting to provide a volume worthy of consideration by
the serious student.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


In my search for knowledge concerning the philosophical
and traditional aspects of the martial arts, I have come across a
wealth of printed material focusing on various techniques and
theory, but very little regarding the practical application of our
discipline in living daily life. This void is further compounded
when a practitioner enters the martial arts at an advanced age.
Many mature students to whom I’ve spoken share my desire to
find documentation to help them find a way to incorporate
dojang practices into daily activities. I recall reading a book during
an early phase of my training that did address these issues.

Monday, August 28, 2006

In a world where

commercialism prevails, the practice of
taekwondo is often misused as a vehicle for self-aggrandizement.
Mr. Cook, while maintaining a successful environment in his
school, has instead chosen to take the high road by providing his
students with a curriculum steeped in tradition. His work here
only serves to fortify his elevated approach to an art replete with
virtue and wisdom. It is my sincere hope that this volume will
act as a global reference guide for generations of taekwondo students
to embrace, now and in the future.
Grand Master Richard Chun
9th Dan Black Belt
United States Taekwondo Association

Friday, August 25, 2006

The chapters relating to meditation,

ki development and personal defense are particularly useful
in propagating a greater sense of well being, while the historical
sections will animate a past wrapped in conflict and valor.
Furthermore, as a certified black belt instructor Mr. Cook
speaks with authority and conviction in describing the many
facets of the martial arts. The experience he has gained over the
years in establishing his school, the Chosun Taekwondo
Academy, has added to his credibility both as a martial artist
and a teacher. Truly, if one can teach a technique effectively, they
can claim it as their own.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


it now
gives me great pleasure to look on as one of my students assumes
the literary mantle in an effort to forge yet another link in the
great chain of knowledge as it relates to taekwondo.
It is clear to me that Mr. Cook is very much devoted to the
martial arts through his treatment of the material in this book.
Rather then address the physical techniques of the art in a “how
to” fashion, as so many have done before, he has chosen instead
to juxtapose advanced concepts of taekwondo in parallel with a
blueprint for their application in daily life. While reading his
work, I have often reflected upon a question many people have
inquired about: whether I have ever needed to use my defensive
skills in a realistic setting. My reply is that I rely on my knowledge
by interacting on a social level with people on a daily basis.
Likewise, by embracing the lessons in this book, the martial
artist will learn to apply their skill each and everyday in a
benign and beneficial manner.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


through the application of the traditional forms, or poom-se,
practitioners learn to defend themselves against opponents
attacking from various directions thus cultivating agility, focus
and strength. In addition, taekwondo has the ability to challenge
the mind while nurturing the spirit through a ritual of disciplined
practice; perseverance and patience are inculcated as the
student moves through the ranks and develops advanced skills.
With the above in mind, it is essential, therefore, that we as
martial artists look beyond the modern, competitive aspects of
taekwondo in an effort to uncover the treasures that await
through a holistic program of comprehensive training. In the past
this has proven difficult at best given the scarcity of written
material relating to the moral and philosophical components of
the martial arts. Having personally authored several books on the
subject, I have endeavored to map out the physical techniques of
taekwondo in conjunction with their philosophical principles.
Both students and colleagues alike have responded well to my
work by finding great value in its pages.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


taekwondo remains an effective means of selfdefense.
From the days of the Hwarang warriors of ancient Silla
to the present it has consistently demonstrated its defensive
value on the field of battle. Aside from its dynamic kicking
techniques the art features a complete palette of hand strikes,
arm locks and sweeps capable of disabling any assailant. In an
effort to instill courage, the taekwondoist drills repeatedly in a
series of controlled sparring techniques that strives to eliminate
the fear associated with a physical confrontation.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Following many years of diligence and hard work on the part
of the World Taekwondo Federation under the direction of Dr. Un
Yong Kim, taekwondo has finally gained recognition as a fullmedal
Olympic sport. This is a major accomplishment considering
the high standards set by the International Olympic Committee.
As a native Korean, I am particularly proud of this achievement
since it characterizes the true nature of the taekwondo spirit.
However, it is important to recall that first and foremost taekwondo
is a uniquely Korean martial art, as well as a world sport, with
roots that date back to antiquity. It is rich in tradition and espouses
a philosophy that if approached with sincerity has the potential
of enriching the practitioner’s life in a variety of ways.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


• pred samotným tréningom sa dôkladne rozcvičte a vykonajte strečingové cviky zamerané najmä na precvičovanú partiu
• pri cvičení sa snažte preciťovať danú partiu
• udržujte správnu polohu tela, predklon trupu do vodorovnej polohy
• vyvarujte sa použitiu neprimeraných váh
• pohyb vykonávajte vždy z úplného natiahnutia až do úplného zmrštenia tricepsu
• vyvarujte sa akýmkoľvek formám cheatingu
• nezabúdajte na strečing ani medzi sériami
Tricepsové extenzie so spodnou kladkou v predklone

Friday, August 18, 2006

Dýchajte plynulo v rytme cvičenia.

Pri prepínaní lakťa vydýchnite, pri spúšťaní činky do počiatočnej polohy sa nadýchnite.
Vyvarujte sa použitiu neprimeraných váh! Práve neprimeraná váha je príčinou zdvíhania lakťov a pohybom nadlaktia do strán. Celý pohyb musí vychádzať výlučne len z predlaktia! Biokinetická dráha cviku umožňuje využitie vrcholovej kontrakcie a tým aj dokonalé oddelenie všetkých troch hláv svalu v mieste ich úponu. Preto je pri cvičení absolútne neprípustný akýkoľvek náznak cheatingu. Ak nie ste schopný cvik vykonať striktnou technikou, uberte záťaž.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Zapažovanie v predklone patrí medzi tvarovacie cviky. Vzhľadom k nutnosti použitia menšej záťaže, ponúka tento cvik výborné možnosti najmä v rysovacej fáze prípravy. Zaťažovaný je trojhlavý sval ruky a sval lakťový.
Uchopte jednoručnú činku a jednou nohou vykročte vpred. Predkloňte trup do vodorovnej polohy a súhlasným lakťom sa zaprite o koleno predsunutej nohy. Lakeť ruky s činkou zdvihnite k trupu do vodorovnej polohy. Zafixujte polohu tela.
Vykonaním extenzie v lakťovom kĺbe zapažujte oblúkovitým pohybom až do úplného prepnutia ruky. Cieleným stlačením tricepsu dosiahnete maximálnu kontrakciu svalu. Práve dosiahnutie a zotrvanie vo vrcholovej kontrakcii je cieľom tohoto cviku. Následne pomaly, kontrolovane spúšťajte jednoručnú činku späť do počiatočnej polohy. Dbajte na to, aby sa pohyb sa začínal vždy z úplného natiahnutia až do úplného zmrštenia tricepsu.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

V extraligovém souboji boxerů

se utkaly druhé České Budějovice s vedoucím Ústím, které v dosavadním průběhu soutěže ztratilo pouze bod za remízu v Prostějově. Borci domácího Samsonu znovu své fanoušky nadchli. V úvodním souboji svedl Kořínek naprosto vyrovnaný boj se slovenským reprezentantem Parlagim.

V kategorii do 54 kg představili domácí trenéři publiku Kyrgystánce Šachaldajeva. Přece jen bylo hodně znát, že Šachaldajev má v kariéře odboxovány jen 4 zápasy. Přes velkou bojovnost na technického Fabera nestačil. Bývalý Jihočech Faber na body vyhrál.

Monday, August 14, 2006

WBC #17 ranked OPBF 140-pound champ Jungbum Kim (26-3-1, 21 KOs), 140, from Korea, retained his regional belt as he put on a gory game with OPBF top contender Daigoro Yamamoto (10-3-3, 8 KOs), 140, and finally dropped the Japanese challenger for the fatal ten at 1:46 of the seventh round on Sunday in Osaka, Japan. Kim, who had lost to Arturo Morua in the US last year, proved still strong in Asia as he had the upper hand over the game and gallant Japanese challenger, who recklessly mixed up with the onrushing Korean from the outset. Both bled from the nostrils in the second, and Kim sustained a gash over the eyebrow in the third. They kept swapping punches toe-to-toe, but Kim was more accurate and effective in exchanging hot rallies in the close quarter. Kim’s right uppercut following busy combinations sank Yamamoto, who failed to beat the count by Australian referee Charlie Lucas.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Pickering to get EBU shot!

Esham Pickering will have revenge in mind when he rematches with undefeated Michael Hunter for the European super bantamweight championship later this year. After knocking Hunter down in both the first and second rounds of their October 2005 clash, Pickering, 29-4 (11 KOs), allowed his opponent back into the fight and lost his EBU belt on a wafer-thin majority decision. Now, with the European Boxing Union ordering a rematch, 'Brown Sugar' will hopefully get his chance at vengeance. Purse bids have been called for September 1. However, there are rumours that Hunter may vacate the title, in which case Pickering will most likely face undefeated Irishman Bernard Dunn for the vacant belt before Christmas. For Pickering, the EBU title chance is a welcome tonic after missing out on a world title opportunity on May 13. He was due to face IBF featherweight champ Valdemir Pereira in Boston on Ricky Hatton's undercard but was forced to pull out hurt. Pickering's replacement Eric Aiken went on to win the title. "I knew Pereira was nothing special and I was bit sick watching another guy beat him," Pickering said. "But, that's life, I'll get my chance and my time will come."

Monday, August 07, 2006

Bojové umění Původ

Aikido Japonsko
Alkampf Jitsu Japonsko
Capoeira Brazílie
Hapkido Jížní Korea
Hwarang Do Jížní Korea
Iaido Japonsko
Jiu jitsu Japonsko
Judo Japonsko
Jujutsu Japonsko
Karate Goryu ryu Japonsko
Kendo Japonsko
Kobudo Japonsko
Kung Fu Čína
Kykushin karate Japonsko
Musado Jížní Korea
Ninjutsu Japonsko
Shaolin Japonsko
Shaolin Kung Fu Japonsko
Shokotan karate Japonsko
Sumo Japonsko
Tae bo Moder. Boj. Umění
Taekwon-Do ITF Jížní Korea
Taekwon-Do WTF Severní Korea
Thai ti Čína
Thaibox Thajsko
Tradiční karate Japonsko
Viet vo dao Vietnam
Wing Tsun Čína
Wu Chu Čína
Yamaue Aikijutsu Japonsko
CSE Filipíny

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Bojové umění zabývající se zbraněmi jsou Kobudo, Iaido a Combat serrada escrima. Pokud byste volili Kobudo,japonské umění, tak to se zabývá především speciálními zbraněmi jako Bo(tyč), Sai(trojzubec), Nunchaku(cep), Kama(Srp) a Tonfa(pendrek).
Iaido, opět japonské umění, je odvozené stejně jako Aikido ze Zenu, což je umění samurajů. Tohle už napovídá, že se zbraně budou skládat pouze z mečů, z nichž nejznámější je z nich Katana.
Combat Serrada Escrima, filipínské bojové umění. Toto umění je zvláštní tím, že na rozdíl od karate nebo Taekwon-Do, je založeno na boji se zbraní. Hapkido, korejské umění, toto umění jmenuji protože se specializuje na vitální body(tlakové body). Člověk má na těle 365 tlakových bodů. Každý z nich dosahuje nejvyššího výkonu v určitou jinou dobu a každý má jiný účinek.
Jak by si měl člověk vybrat bojová umění? Měl by vybírat mezi kompromisem , který se mu líbí a který by pro něj byl nejlépe vhodný. Pro méně zdatné je vhodné Aikido nebo Wing Tsun. Pro bojové povahy Karate JKA, Taekwon-Do ITF nebo Hwarang-Do.
Bojové umění se dělí na dvě základní řady: Budo a Budžucu.
Budo-Bu znamená válku. Do znamená cestu ve smyslu sebezdokonalení, sebevýchovy a sebepoznání.
Budžucu- budžucu-umění ve smyslu praktičnosti. Tato cesta je většinou lepší.
Jak by se měl člověk chovat při boji? Samozřejmě, že je dobré umět správně techniky, ale nejhlavnější je psychika. Ninjové shrnuli pravidla chování do jediné věty. Překonáš-li KOGA, dosáhneš svého cíle.(Kensatsu-Pozorování, průzkum, Onozakura-Spontánnost, Genkai-Síla, Abunai-nebezpečí)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Bojová umění

Bojová umění je složeno z mnoha rozličných prvků a technik. Slouží většinou k obraně. V poslední době se však ukazuje velký zájem o sportovní bojová umění. Liší se v tom, že jsou zakázány životu nebezpečné údery. Těžko říci kdy vzniklo první bojové umění, všichni se však shodují na tom že většina jich vznikla v Asii asi 2 tisíce let před naším letopočtem, kdy se prostý lid bránil proti vrchnosti. Mnoho bojových umění rozšířili také buddhističtí mniši kteří jsou pravděpodobně zakladateli kung-fu. Postupem času se některá začala spojovat, ale zároveň vznikaly nové. Učební plán a trénink se s dobou měnil. Znatelná část především psychická příprava je po staletí stejná.
V České republice se v současné době cvičí 36 bojových umění, zatímco ve světě se jich cvičí něco přes 1500.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The settings are as follows:

In the [Sim Controls] section of JF4.INI, the "throttleAxis" setting controls how the simulator will access the throttle:
- throttleAxis == 0 Automatically detect the correct axis. Should work with 99% of all throttles.
- throttleAxis == 1 Use the "lZ" value, this will support "old style" sticks and throttles.
- throttleAxis == 2 Use the rglSlider[0] value. This will support "new style" sticks and throttles.
• Stuttering Sounds When Launched from AutoPlay - On some systems, the sound would stutter and sound garbled when the game was launched from the autoplay application on the CD. When running via the start menu, sounds were OK.
We believe DirectSound does not initialize properly on some machines when the CD-ROM drive is the "current directory." The AutoPlay program has been modified to set the current directory to where JetFighter IV is installed. Current users should simply launch JetFighter IV from the Start Menu to avoid this problem.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

• HUD Text Solid Blocks on ATI Hardware - On some ATI boards, the text in the simulator shows up as solid blocks. This problem should be solved for all ATI hardware. Please send us an email if your HUD text still shows up as solid blocks.
• Force Feedback - The new simulator will detect and use a force feedback joystick if one is available.
• USB Throttle Support - Some USB throttles were not being used properly in the simulator. Newer throttles changed the 'axis' that data is available from. The version attempts to determine the correct axis automatically. If this does not work, there is a setting available in JF4.INI to override the default behavior of the throttle.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

• Windows 2000 Keyboard Problem - Keyboard response in the simulator on Windows 2000 was sometimes over 1 minute delayed! This problem has been fixed for Windows 2000 users.
• Main Menu Background Garbled on ATI Graphics Hardware - Main menu background looked 'crazy' on some ATI graphics hardware. For some reason, certain ATI graphics hardware, particularly that found in laptops, use a ARGB_1555 framebuffer instead of the much more common (and better looking) RGB_565. This problem should be corrected for all such hardware.