Wednesday, February 28, 2007

If you were to bump into someone and they get a little
aggressive make an apology -say you're sorry for bumping
into them. Say it firmly, but politely, so that they can feel
your confidence. If they pursue it place a fence between you
and them and back away. Tell them that you don't want
trouble. If they pursue it any further then you may have to
get physical, perhaps with posturing (later chapter) or even
an attack. If you do have to attack then make it pre-emptive.
Blocking and countering like they do in the films doesn't
work so don't bother trying.
An incident occurred recently when I was at the bar of a
private party where I had no other option open to me than to
stay. I went to the bar with Sharon and an ugly fellow stood
by the bar started staring at me. I tried to be polite because I
sensed that he wanted trouble.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Escape can mean as little as swallowing your pride or
controlling your ego, taking your lady by the arm and
moving to a place where your company is appreciated. If you
are like me, have a little drink at home or go to a nice
restaurant thus avoiding the potential all together and
stopping you having to look over your shoulder every five
minutes to see who is staring at you. If you find this difficult,
if for some reason you are stuck in a particular place for the
evening and a guy gives you the evil eye, lift your hand up
and give the fellow a polite wave. The chances are that he
will think that he knows you from somewhere and feel
embarrassed that he has stared, he might even wave back.
Once you have made the wave do not hold eye contact, this
is often seen as a subliminal challenge.
somewhere else. If I enter a bar and buy a drink for £2 and I
start getting aggressive stares from some Neanderthal at the
other end of the bar, I'll leave the drink and go somewhere
else. For the sake of £2 I have saved myself a hell of a lot of
trouble. I look at the worst case scenario. I know that if I stay
where I am the lemon is going to approach me at some point
in the night and a fight is going to ensue. Because my whole
life is training, the chances are I am going to hurt the fellow
very badly -probably hospitalize him. He goes to the
hospital, I go to the police station where they charge me with
a Section 18 wounding with intent. Because I train, the
prosecuting council is going to make me out to be a
superman and a jury of 12 are going to convict me for 5
years. Is a space by the bar in a shit hole of a pub really
worth it? I don't think so.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I have a friend in the south, a 6th Dan in karate, who rang
me up to ask me to help him out with a dilemma. He
regularly visited a local pub and every time he did there was
a particular chap in there who stared him out in a
challenging manner. You know the type, knuckles dragging
along the floor, IQ of a plant.
'What should I do?' he asked.
'Drink somewhere else where the clientele are a little more
intelligent,' I replied.
It really is that simple. If a pub is so rough that strangers
want to stare at me for no other reason than they don't like
the look of my face, then I do not want to drink there.
Especially when you consider that most areas have hundreds
of public houses to choose from. You might argue that you
have every right to drink in that place and are not prepared
to drink somewhere else, and that would be your right. But I
come back to my original point, why would you want to
defend a spot by a bar in a shit hole as contentious as that?

There is often

only one thing standing between those that have a
fight and those that run away -ego. This controlling muscle
has had much exercise in this capricious society and is the
curse of the 20th century. More fights and contentions are
caused by the ego than any other single factor. This comes
back to what I said earlier, correct training and combative
hardship corrodes the control of the ego and puts you back in
charge. You will no longer be dragged around the yard by
your ego, you will have the confidence to walk away.
Escape is often a lot easier than one may think and doesn't
always involve elaborate planning or strategy, just pure
common sense.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


We all make mistakes, even monkeys fallout of trees, so
there will be occasions when the option of avoidance will be
lost and escape becomes the next option. In theory you
would think that escape would be easy, it usually entails
simply walking away, on occasions even running away. Not
so! People of this generation are seen as c9wards if the do
not stand and face their problems 'like a man'. Ironically they
are also seen as thugs if they stand and have a bloody fight
to settle their differences. The law is quick to lock you up
should you hurt someone too badly, even if it is in selfdefence.
This is why I call the law the second enemy.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I consider my art to be hugely effective, I have pressure tested
it to the full. I have worked my art on numerous occasions in
real situations, so I can look at these minor altercations and let
them go, knowing that I am letting the other guy off. It doesn't
matter to me that he might think he has put one over on me,
backed me down or that I have bottled it. I don't care what he
thinks, or anyone else for that matter. I know the truth, I know
that if forced I would have hurt that person very badly.
If displacement is in your face and you can't walk away, if
your can't avoid, escape, dissuade, posture, loophole etc., then
you may be forced to exercise your right to self-defence.
Your karma will then be good and you will only be doing
what you have to do. Perhaps as Benny 'the jet' Urquidiz
suggested to me last year, they were sent by God for a lesson.
Whatever the reason, you know that justification was your
ally and that's enough.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

ithyceridae - new york weevil
curculionidae (incl calendridae, cossonidae, platypodidae, rhyncophoridae, scolytidae, etc) - weevils or snout beetle
Používá se pro
5.17 Vidličnatky
Používá se bristle tail pro škvorovky, ??? pro štětinatky.
5.18 Dvoukřídlí (Diptera)
5.18.1 Dlouhorozí (Nematocera)
Používá se crane fly, daddy longlegs, harvestman pro tiplice, moth fly, moth midge, owl midge, sand fly pro kotule, phantom crane fly pro slídilky, midge, gnat, mosquito pro komáry, mosquito pro moskyty, phantom midge pro koretry, stream midge, solitary midge pro kalužnatky, non-biting midge pro pako¬márce, biting midge pro pakomáry, coffee fly, blackfly, buffalo gnat, turkey gnat pro muchničky, fungus midge, fungus gnat, fungus fly, mushroom fly pro bedlobytky, fungus gnat pro smutnice, gall gnat, mi¬dge pro bejlomorky, turnip gnat pro tipličky
5.18.2 Krátkorozí (Brachycera)
Používá se gad bee, gad fly, bulldog fly, horse fly, ox fly breeze fly, horse fly pro ovády, soldier fly pro bráněnky, snipe fly, ibis fly, downlooker fly pro číhalky, xylophagid fly pro drvohlodky, fat fly, hump-backed fly, small-headed fly, spider fly, bladder fly pro kulatěnky, bee killer, hawk fly, pirate fly, rob¬ber fly assassin fly pro roupce, hawk moth pro chobotnatky, ??? pro ostronožky, window fly, carpet fly pro žínělky, balloon fly, dance fly pro kroužilky, long-legged fly pro lupice, flower fly, hover fly, drone fly, wasp fly, hawk fly, sweat fly pro pestřenky, pointed-tailed wasp pro vejřitky, big-headed fly pro hla¬vatěnky, flower fly, root maggot, leaf miner, dung fly, humpbacked fly, mushroom fly, root eating fly pro květilky, flat-footed fly pro stlačenky, thick-headed fly pro očnatky, marsh fly, snail-killing fly pro vláhomilky, dryomyzid fly pro temnomilky, scavenger pro kmitalky, cheese skipper, rust fly, skipper fly, carrot fly pro pochmurnatky, ?? pro hnilenky, tanypezid fly pro dlouhatky, ?? pro čelnice, pictured-wing fly pro temnatky, fruit fly pro vrtule, beach fly, lauxaniid fly pro stínomilky, sun fly pro lanýžovky, opo¬myzid fla, grass fly pro pestřice, brine fly, rice leafminer pro běžnice, ferment fly, fruit fly, pomace fly, vinegar fly pro octomilky, leafminer pro vrtalky, milichiid fly pro zavalitky, bee louse pro včelomorky, gout fly, grass fly, swarm fly, eye fly, gout fly pro zelenušky, pro květilky, pro slunilky, pro bodalky, pro bzučivky, pro masařky, pro kuklice, pro střečky, pro kloše, pro muchule
5.19 Snovatky (Embioptera)
Používá se web-spinner pro snovatky.
5.20 Cvrčkovci (Grylloblattodea)
Používá se rock crawler pro cvrčkovce.
5.21 Různokřídlí, ploštice (Heteroptera)
Používá se pro shield bug, field bug, stink bug kněžice, coreid bug, corizid bug, grass bug, rhopalid bug, pro vroubenky, pirate bug, flower bug pro hladěnky, flat bug pro podkornice, water bug, fish killer pro mohutnatky, stilt bug pro štíhlenky, elm sawfly pro paličatky, water boatman, boat bug pro klešťanky, burrower bug pro hrabulky, toad bug pro leskovce, water strider, pondskater pro bruslařky, sphagnum bug, velvet water bug pro rašelinatky, water measurer, water gnat pro vodoměrky, chinch bug, ground bug, terrestrial bug, bigeyed bug pro ploštičky, water treader, pondweed bug pro nártnice, microphysid bug pro dvojtvárnice, flea hopper, jumping tree bug, mirid, plant bug, capsid pro klo¬pušky, damselbug pro lovčice, backswimmer, saucer bug, water creeper, boatfly pro znakoplavky, ne¬edle bug, saucer bug pro bodule, water scorpion pro splešťule, ambush bug pro hranatky, leaf bug, beet¬bug pro sítěnky, red bug, stainer pro ruměnice, assassin bug, kissig bug, spider bug, thread-legged bug pro zákeřnice, lace bug pro síťnatky
5.22 Křísi (Auchenorrhyncha)
Používá se leafhopper, jassid, balm cricket pro kříse, cicada pro cikády, frog hopper, spittle bug pro pěnodějky, jassid pro křísky
5.23 Blanokřídlí (Hymenoptera)
5.23.1 Širopasí (Symphyta)
Používá se horntail pro pilořitky, webspinning sawfly, leafrolling sawfly pro ploskohřbetky, argid sawfly pro pilatěnky, sawfly pro pilatky, cimbicid sawfly pro paličatky, parasitic wood wasp pro dřevule, intro¬duced pine sawfly pro hřebenule, xyelid sawfly pro jehlatky
5.23.2 Úzkopasí=štíhlopasí (Apocrita)
Používá se pro ichneumon fly lumky, braconid fly pro lumčíky, digger wasp, sphecid wasp, sand wasp pro kutilky, cynipid, gallfly, oak gall pro žlabatky, bee, honey bee pro včely, hornet pro sršně, wasp pro vosy, humble bee, bumble bee pro čmeláky, ant pro mravence, seed wasp pro krásenky, jewel wasp, eupelmid pro kovověnky, moth egg parasite pro drobněnky, ruby wasp, cuckoo wasp pro zlatěnky, scoliid wasp, hairy flower wasp pro žahalky, spider wasp pro hra¬balky, paper wasp pro vosíky, carpenter bee pro drvodělky
5.24 Všekazi (Isoptera)
Používá se termite, white ant pro všekaze.
5.25 Motýli (Lepidoptera)
5.25.1 Adélovití
Používá se longhorn pro adély.
5.25.2 Kovovníčkovití
Používá se bright, ribes moth, currant moth pro kovovníčky
5.25.3 Vakonošovití
Používá se bagmoth, bagworm, basket moth, casemoth pro vakonoše.
5.25.4 Vzpřímenkovití=klíněnkovití
Používá se leaf miner, midget pro klíněnky, slender, leaf miner pro vzpřímenky.
5.25.5 Nesytkovití
Používá se clearwing, borer moth, wasp moth pro nestyky.
5.25.6 Vřetenuškovití
Používá se burnet moth, forester pro vřetenušky, forester pro zelenáčky.
5.25.7 Obalečovití+obalečíkovití
Používá se piercer, bud moth, codling moth, bark moth, roller moth, tortrix, marble, cone moth, tort¬ricid, twist pro obaleče, webworm, conch pro obalečíky
5.25.8 Pernatuškovití
Používá se plume, plume moth pro pernatušky, twenty-plume pro pernatěnky
5.25.9 Zavíječovití+travříkovití
Používá se pyralid, webmoth., sable, fruit moth, meal moth, wax moth, pearl, hayworm, fruit moth pro zavíječe, grass moth, veneer moth, cereal moth, grass-veneer, water veneer, girdler pro travaříky.
5.25.10 Lišajovití
Používá se sphinx, hawk, hawk moth, humming bird moth, death’s head, pro lišaje, clearwing, hawk moth pro dlouhozobky
5.25.11 Soumračníkovití
Používá se skipper, skipperling, scallop wing, ducky wing, sooty wing, dart, swift, darter pro soumrač¬níky
5.25.12 Otakárkovití
Používá se swallowtail, birdwing, cattleheart pro otakárky, apollo, festoon, parnassian, hairstreak pro jasoně, festoon pro pestrokřídlece

Monday, February 19, 2007

I know what you will be saying, and I know what you mean.
Just because it isn't personal doesn't mean that these people are
not dangerous. Off course they are all potential killers, but
usually only if you engage them and play the game that they
want to play. The majority of the time these situations are
benign until we counter their initial aggression, either because
of our ego, some misdirected need to cleanse the world of bad
people or the fact that we are reacting to the situation in a
displaced manner ourselves. Imagine two guys, lets call them
Joe and Pete, beating the crap out of each other over a minor a
traffic incident. But they are not really fighting with each
other. Pete is really battering his bullying boss and Joe is really
battering his domineering wife. When they end up in court
together neither will really be sure why they were fighting in
the first place.


Understanding the enemy means comprehending that, 'it's
not personal' and that, if a situation becomes physical there
are no winners. Once you understand the psyche of the
person or people that you are dealing with, you will probably
understand them better than they understand themselves. In
an instant you will be able to see and understand the run of
their whole life and that it, like so many, is on a downward
spiral to oblivion. Don't you find that very sad? Doesn't it
make you feel a little compassion for these people? Not only
do they not understand where they are going wrong, they
will probably never understand and their whole life will
unravel in the same unfortunate way. Don't take it
personally, let it go, let them off! Their lives are already shit
without you making it worse.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

You become

a displacement figure for the things in life that cause him
stress. It's only because we take these incidents personally
that we find ourselves being drawn into contentious
situations. If you think about it, that's probably why you find
yourself getting angry with people (especially those closest
to you), over little or nothing -you are also displacing your
unutilised aggression.
The combination of our confrontational society and
increasing amounts of neurological stressors means that we
are bound to develop pent-up aggression. Stores of stress
hormones sit waiting to be released by our behaviour,
awaiting the right trigger to let them go off with a bang. That
trigger might be a minor traffic incident, it may be some
lemon staring at you across the bar, or something as simple
as one of your children spilling juice on the carpet. Once
triggered, the pent-up aggression explodes in an
uncontrolled manner that can change the course of your life,
for the worse, forever.

Friday, February 16, 2007

If I get into a fight and have to hurt someone, I want the
reason to be a better one than protecting a space by the bar,
or a piece of tarmac on a country road. I want to be lying in
my bed thinking to myself, 'I had no other option open to me
but to fight'. There is a heavy toll to pay for participating in
a fight and, if you are morally in the wrong, the bill that
drops through the door can be very exacting. Once again, we
return to the fact that your system should be real, if it is, and
you pressure test what you have, then the confidence it
brings will be enough to enable you to walk away -it will
make you strong enough to over ride peer pressure and ego.
A pivotal part of understanding the enemy is realising that
he probably doesn't understand himself very well. When he
gives you the finger in the car, or stares at you aggressively
across a busy bar it's not personal, unless of course you
make it so. You are a manifestation of whatever it is in his
life that makes him angry: his dominant wife; his bullying
boss; his car that keeps breaking down or his adolescent


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

have it; if he is flashing me to let him past, I'll let him past;
if he beeps me or gives me the finger then I'll let it go. I
already know where these situations are going to take me
and I don't
Another friend of mine has just committed a crime of
passion -one that could have been ignored if it wasn't for his
very large ego -that will place him in jail for at least 10
years. By the time he is released, if the experience doesn't
kill him, his
schoolgirl daughter will probably be a married woman with
kids of her own. His wife will have probably moved on and
married someone else, very few wait around. He has gone in
to jail in his late thirties, the prime of his life, when he is
released he will be approaching fifty. His business, to which
he devoted himself, has already gone down the drain.
Think about it for a single second, not being able to be with
your wife and kids for ten years, not being able to walk in
the park; go for a pizza; drink a pint; cuddle up to your wife
in her silk nightie. Doesn't the very thought frighten the shit
out of you? It frightens me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The other female

passenger was thrown out of the other window and suffered
terrible injuries, not least of which was total blindness in one
eye. Both the male passengers were also badly injured. All of
this happened because a driver took offence at someone
overtaking him. When Karen died in that car crash a small
part of many people, myself included, died with her. The
man in the offending car will have to live with the death of
Karen for the rest of his life.
One of my friends was driving home from a restaurant one
night with his mate and their girlfriends. Quite legitimately
they overtook a car on a quiet country road. The guy in the
other car took offence to this and, pretended to swerve into
my friend. I'm pretty sure that he only did it to scare my
mate, nevertheless he thought that the guy was actually
going to hit his car. He reacted by turning sharply to the right
to avoid what he thought was going to be a collision and
smashed his car up the bank. His beautiful girlfriend was
thrown from the car and killed instantly.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Avoid the places that are trouble spots. Don't drink in shit
holes or eat in late night Indian restaurants that attract those
who have just left (or have been kicked out of) a nightclub.
Try and avoid frequenting areas that are rough, and if you
have to, make sure that you are totally switched on at all
I have no problem with my ego, I won't be drawn into a road
rage incident because some lemon stole the piece of road in
front of me, or cut me up, or sped past me etc. My mum
always told me (it must be true because mums don't lie) that
there is no rush to the graveyard. Therefore, if the spanner in
front wants my space, I'm quite happy to let him
want to go there. I've been there before and believe me there
are no winners. Incidents like this can change the course of
your life if you let them. You kill someone, inadvertently in
a road rage incident then you might as well stick your head
between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye. And the little
son or daughter that you have at home waiting for you, the
beautiful wife that dotes on you, you can kiss them goodbye
for 10-15 years as well.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Code Red is the final stage. You have evaluated the situation

in Code Orange. If there is a threat, prepare to fight or run.

Never stand and fight if there is a possibility of flight. If no

threat presents itself, drop back to Orange and Yellow.

Never lose your awareness and drop to White -many people

have been beaten in real situations because they have lost

their zanshin (awareness). Stay switched on.

Of course this whole system works on the premise that you

are in Code Yellow in the first place. You cannot go into an

evaluation state on a situation that you have not noticed

developing, equally you cannot prepare for fight or flight if

you have not seen and evaluated the same. In this case the

first you are likely to know of the situation is when it is too

late. The same applies with the following rules, if you are

'switched off' none of them are likely to apply, you need to

be in Code Yellow (switched on) to make any use of them at

all. So in all cases, 'Code Up'.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Code Yellow is the state of mind which

everyone adopts whilst crossing a busy road. It is not a state

of paranoia, rather a state of heightened observance.

Code Orange represents rising threat, allowing evaluation if

circumstances in your locale deteriorate. For instance, you

may, as you walk, notice a couple of suspicious-looking men

over the road from you. If they begin to cross in your

direction with menacing intent, and you feel there is a

possible threat, Code Orange will allow assessment and

evaluation of the situation.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Code Yellow is threat awareness. Known as 'switched on',

this state of perception allows 360 degree peripheral

awareness of environmental vulnerability. For example the

awareness of secluded doorways, entries etc. and the

psychological dangers of untested physical artillery (selfdefence

techniques that have not been pressure tested)

adrenal dump, attackers rituals etc. Initially, Code Yellow is

similar to commentary driving, where you talk through and

describe, as you drive, everything you can see around you.

Similarly, as you walk, run a subconscious commentary of

everything that is happening in your locale, ultimately, with

practice, managing the same without verbalising the


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Therefore a profound

understanding of fear needs to be sought. If you can't control

the person on the inside then it is safe to say that you cannot

control the person on the out side (the attacker).

Jeff Cooper devised a colour coding system to help

recognise, evaluate and subsequently avoid potential threat.

The codes are a yardstick designed to measure rising threat

and, if adhered to, make most situations become avoidable.

Cooper designed the codes of awareness to allow people a

360 degree environmental awareness. What I would like to

add to this, with respect to the great man, is also awareness

of attack ritual, physical reality and of bodily reactions to

confrontation -after all awareness is a complex thing.

Code White is known as 'switched off', unaware of

environment, inhabitants and their ritual of attack. Code

White is the victim state that all attackers look for. They

usually don't have to look far because most people are

completely switched off most of the time.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

If and when a situation does become 'live', it is again

Imperative that you understand yourself and what will

happen to your body in its preparation for fight or flight.

You will usually experience a huge injection of adrenaline

(and other

stress hom1ones) into the system (adrenal dump).

Adrenaline can add speed, strength and anaesthesia to

response but, unfortunately, because very few people have

regular exposure to the adrenal syndrome their reasoning

process often mistakes it for fear. Consequently many

people 'freeze' under its influence.