Monday, June 23, 2008

Pro-Swivel—Super Swivel—Traditional Pro-Swivel
3. Speed Bag Platforms: The most important feature
of a speed bag platform is stability. Make sure that you
have a stable wall to mount it on. Because there is
a lot of vibration that occurs during the normal use of
this piece of equipment, it is a good idea to check
your platform often for loose nuts and bolts. Another
important feature of a good platform is the ability to
adjust the height easily. This is very important if you
have a gym with a large number of boxers.
Professional Model Speed Bag Platform
Middleweight Model Speed Bag Platform
Economical Model Speed Bag Platform
Ultimate Classic Speed Bag Platform

Thursday, June 19, 2008

1. Speed Bags: Here again, there are a large variety
of brands and sizes available so you
will need to decide on the one that
is best for you. The smaller the
bag, the faster it moves, so you
will want to start out with a larger
bag and then as you get the
hang of it, you can go to a
smaller size.
X-Small Speed Bag (5”x8”)
Small Speed Bag (6”x9”)
Medium Speed Bag (7”x10”)
Large Speed Bag (7”x11”)
2. Speed Bag Swivels: The selection of swivels
on the market provide for many different specific needs
and jobs. Some are designed for speed while others
are made to change bags or platforms easier. Try to
find the best design for you that will provide for speed,
durability and proper action.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

This bag is great for developing hand/eye coordination,
hand speed, combinations, and accuracy. Because
the bag bounces back when you hit it, you can also
practice your defensive techniques with this bag.
All in all, this is probably one
of the most effective teaching
tools in any gym. Here again,
there are a variety of sizes
and shapes available to cater
to your workout. The smaller
double end bags are faster
and more difficult to hit, so
start out with the larger one.
Even after your athletes
graduate to the smaller bags,
they will still get a great
workout on the original
If you aren’t able to drill into
your floor to mount a double
end bag, Ringside has a
great product that you can
use to anchor the bottom of
the bag. It’s called “The Rock”. It provides a very solid,
stable mount for your double end bag without having
to be mounted to anything.
Double End Bag—Double Double End Bag—Filled
Double End Bag

Monday, June 09, 2008

You can find many different heavybags in an assortment
of weights, sizes and materials. Try to remember
that they all do the same job. The idea that buying
quality is best applies here just as it did with the
personal gear. Make sure that you get a bag that will
hold up to your workout
needs. Most gyms use
canvas heavybags because
they are less expensive. A
good canvas heavybag is
usually tough enough for
the normal workout. Many
of the bigger (or better
funded) gyms use leather
heavybags. The leather bag
represents a larger initial
investment, but in the long
run it will last much longer.
It is also possible to get
heavybags from Ringside
that are custom filled to
your preference. You can
get them with the regular
firm fill or with a soft fill that
provides a two-inch foam
liner in the bag to reduce
wear and tear on your
hands. Again, this is a
matter of preference. You
can also custom order bags
to different weights. In
addition, heavybags can be
ordered unfilled so that you can save money and fill
the bag to your own specifications.
Canvas Heavybag—Leather Heavybag—Powerhide
Heavybag—Water Bags—Headhunter Bag
Free Standing Heavybag

Sunday, June 08, 2008


The ideal combination of equipment that you need for
your gym will depend on your own specific program,
but we will try to give you a general idea of the basics
found in most gyms. There are large assortments of
different bags on the market today, and it can be
confusing. Try to stick to the basics in the beginning,
and then you can look to specialized bags as you
identify your individual training needs.